Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

A letter to dear Tooth Fairy..

My dear tooth fairy..if you are really exist..please..oh i beg you please..come and visit me..
i'm a good girl..not a bad one..i brush my teeth twice a day, flossing too sometimes..

i won't ask for lolly pop or any kind of sweets if you came and visit me..
i just need a painkiller from your magic fairy wand..strong one..(if you have)
because everything inside my mouth..including the teeth are aching now..due to sprue..

do you have any idea how hurts this sprue tooth fairy?
this is not an ordinary sprue..
it aching from mouth to head..
i can't talk well..or open my i'm start to having strong headache due to aching tooth
i lost my appetite because i can not open my mouth to eat or chew my food

a dentist friend said to me..that sprue maybe caused by some bacteria inside my mouth who apparently loves to eat estrogen hormones, and if bacteria amount can caused me Gingivitis something..easy way to say is shacking tooth..(horror isn't it?)

and the worst part of you have any idea dear fairy? i can not take any medicines, because i'm afraid, i will harm my growing lil fetus..inside my womb.

So, dear tooth fairy..if you are really exist..please oh do please..reply to my letter

PS: pardon for my bad french english

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