Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

I can not sleep

Oh well..its 2am and i just finished bake my choco chunk cookies..

Sachika and her dad already fall asleep few hours ago..and here i am alone..eating my just baked cookie..fill whole bedroom with the smell of warm cookies and now..

I felt someone touching me..its Sachika (yes i co-sleep with her..problem?) Actually i don't know how my baby can find where my boobies while she's

I guess its time to midnite booby baby :D

4 komentar:

  1. emg ada apakah dengan co-sleeping.. bukannya lebih enak yah? bisa unyel2 si bocil anytime.. :D

  2. Ah kata obgyn, dsa & konselor laktasi gw mah malah dsuruh tidur bareng unyel2an.
    Katanya mah biar bonding (bukan smoothing ya ;p)

    1. Ho oh sleep biar bonding tapi mah masi banyak yg kontra tauk..katanya tar bayi nya gak mandiri..hello? They're babies and not supposed to be independent kan kan kan :D

      Aku suka sekali loh digrepe2 baby yg nyari mik nya huahahaha
